BJA Training Academy


National Scan

The National Scan report is a comprehensive scan of state corrections academies, including national surveys, curriculum reviews of 13 states, and on-site observations of nine state corrections academies. Individual interviews, research, and review of other submitted documents are included.

Observations include:  

1. Curriculum design and integration of emerging challenges  

  • Lack of integration of adult learning 
  • Inconsistent needs assessment 
  • Unstructured on-the-job training (OJT)
  • Ineffective staff-to-student ratios 
  • Unbalanced instructional focus 
  • Curriculum development gap 
  • Inconsistent, if any, physical training requirements 
  • Varied responsiveness to staff and population  

2. Delivery and building capacity  

  • Onboarding challenges with residential training 
  • Inconsistent application of virtual training 
  • Ineffective training environments 
  • Insufficient funding  

3. Expanding the training audience  

  • Lack of job task analysis that compromises OJT 
  • Imbalanced influence on training councils or boards 
  • Varied training audience 
  • Varied training hours 

4. Evaluating training outcomes  

  • Lack of training evaluation 
  • Lack of trainer development 
  • Lack of professional development  

5. Wellness and fitness for duty  

  • Misalignment of agency mission 
  • Lack of formal wellness program 
  • Lack of supervisory training 
  • Reduced hiring requirements

National Scan

Outcomes-based Training Evaluation

Guiding Principles

First Line Supervisor Training

Adult Learning
