BJA Training Academy



View from the Line – Correctional Officers’ Perceptions of Training and Organizational Values

TMG’s Steering Committee of subject matter experts helped develop the corrections staff survey. To ensure a comprehensive scan, we developed and delivered a targeted online survey to officers in different career stages throughout multiple states, including Texas (n = 248 officers), Michigan (n = 112 officers), Maine (n = 22 officers), South Carolina (n = 96 officers), and Maryland (n = 14


In total, 528 officers participated in our survey request. The survey was designed to gather qualitative and quantitative responses from a wide variety of participants within the corrections workforce. It included questions to assess perceptions of training, values, and prison climate. Responses were collected from November 2022 through June 2023.

View from the Line – Training Directors: A Survey to Develop Guidance on Correctional Training Needs 

TMG’s Steering Committee of subject matter experts helped develop the training director survey. To ensure a comprehensive scan, we developed and delivered a targeted online survey to training academy directors in all 50 states through the Correctional Leadership Association (CLA), Association of Women Executives in Corrections (AWEC), and other stakeholder partners. The survey was designed to gather qualitative and quantitative responses from training leaders in the corrections field. It included questions to assess

National Scan

Outcomes-based Training Evaluation

Guiding Principles

First Line Supervisor Training

Adult Learning



Additional Guidance