More than ever, organizations are challenging themselves to assess their workplace under the lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Since 2010, The Moss Group has been at the forefront of these issues under our Leading with Awareness initiative, which offers respectful workplace strategies customized to each client’s unique needs and culture. 

From developing a DEI strategic plan and policies to conducting individual or team assessments and creating tools to measure progress, TMG can help your organization enhance awareness around understanding implicit bias, fair and impartial policies, perspectives, and practices. The result is a strengthened, positive culture, grounded in healthier attitudes, decisions, and behavior. 


The Moss Group’s unique, hands-on, and engaging Leading with Awareness (LWA) strategies are designed to meet your organization’s needs and goals. We address the often sensitive yet critically important issues with professionalism and sensitivity using certified, trained, and dynamic experts.

Examples of our LWA strategies include the following:

Listening Sessions 

Listening sessions are 90-minute, powerful small group sessions providing an opportunity for leadership and staff to share and hear perspectives from one another and explore strategies that create a high-priority approach to addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Executive Video Message 

TMG will facilitate the development and delivery of a 15- to 30-minute video message from the agency or organization leader to be delivered to all staff. The video will provide clear communication and leadership support of the DEI initiative, including setting expectations on activities and desired outcomes.

Town Hall Meeting 

TMG will facilitate the development, delivery, and recording of a 60- to 90-minute town hall meeting, led by an agency leader who will be teamed with a TMG DEI expert.

Leading With Awareness: DEI Steering Committee 

TMG will facilitate the establishment of an LWA: DEI Steering Committee made up of a diverse group of participants representing geographical, divisional, and functional areas of the organization. Recommendations on the structure, guidelines, communication, tools, and processes to support an effective and productive steering committee and positive outcomes will be provided.

Leadership Retreat 

TMG will facilitate a leadership retreat specific to diversity, equity, inclusion, and a respectful workplace, to include the following:

  • Pre-assignment and individual assessment tool
  • Three-hour session focused on listening, raising awareness, and reviewing assessment results
  • Interim assignment
  • Follow-up three-hour session to share feedback on assignments; create individual plans for continued development

LWA Foundational Training 

The LWA training, either onsite or virtually, will be tailored to your staff and organization and will include foundational DEI information as well as customized content based on the themes of the listening sessions, document review, and other data.

LWA Workshops 

TMG offers a range of LWA workshops. We recommend beginning any DEI initiative with our two- to four-hour (onsite or virtual) LWA workshop. The informative session will provide an overview of key definitions around implicit bias, racial equity, diversity, and inclusion, raising awareness with an opportunity to further address these topics.

Additional Offerings 

  • Policy review, refinement, and development
  • Staff survey
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • DEI organizational or departmental assessment
  • DEI or related strategic plan development

Contact Mara Dodson for more details.