The Moss Group, LLC. (TMG), a Washington, DC-based criminal justice consulting firm, was awarded the Comprehensive Corrections Training and Technical Assistance: Improving Institutional Corrections Academy Training project with the following objectives:
- Conduct a national scan of state corrections agencies regarding the focus, content, and quality of their academy and in-service training programs and the extent to which prisons use this training.
- Identify high-quality curricula and gaps in available resources.
- Develop guidance for building and supporting key skills and knowledge needed by today’s corrections workforce.
The project developed the following technical assistance opportunities to address the gaps observed in the national scan. We welcome you and your agency to apply through the links below.
Technical Assistance Opportunity: Training for Strategic Planning and Needs Assessment (two sites)
Through the National Scan, it was observed that more assessment and prioritization was needed specific to training needs. Without an assessment and prioritization of needs, training will likely remain stagnant. This technical assistance is designed to assist a training team in examining strengths, opportunities, threats, and weaknesses and prioritizing needs that elevate training. The agency will receive a targeted plan that summarizes the work of the local team.
The applicant understands that this technical assistance:
- Includes 1.5 days on-site with a team of up to three people.
- Requires identification of a point-of-contact for schedule coordination.
- Requires identification of a team to work on the development of the plan.
- Demonstrates a commitment from agency executives.
Technical Assistance Opportunity: Job Task Analysis (one site)
Through the National Scan, it was observed many agencies had not relied on a job task analysis to inform their on-the-job training (OJT). In addition, many agencies did not have a formalized OJT program. Given this gap and the significant impact this can have on effective onboarding and retention efforts, technical assistance will be provided to one agency to complete a job task analysis with guidance to develop an OJT program for that classification. The agency can then replicate the process for the remaining classifications.
The applicant understands that this technical assistance:
- Is limited to one classification or a modified analysis as agreed upon with multiple classifications.
- Includes 3.5 days on-site with a team of up to three people.
- Requires identification of a point-of-contact for schedule coordination.
- Requires identification of a team to work on the development of the OJT program for classification analysis.
- Demonstrates a commitment from agency executives.
The link to the application is below and within the QR code to share.